St. Johns Lays Keel for Second Atlantic Wind Transfers CTV
St. Johns Lays Keel for Second Atlantic Wind Transfers CTV
January 23, 2023
Saudi Arabia Remains China’s Top Crude Supplier
Saudi Arabia Remains China’s Top Crude Supplier
January 23, 2023

Australia Speeds Up Purchase of Sea Mines to Shore Up Maritime Defense

Australia Speeds Up Purchase of Sea Mines to Shore Up Maritime Defense

Australia said on Monday it would accelerate plans to buy advanced sea mines to protect its maritime routes and ports from "potential aggressors" amid China's plans to increase its influence in the Pacific region.The so-called smart sea mines…

Australia said on Monday it would accelerate plans to buy advanced sea mines to protect its maritime routes and ports from “potential aggressors” amid China’s plans to increase its influence in the Pacific region.The so-called smart sea mines…Australia said on Monday it would accelerate plans to buy advanced sea mines to protect its maritime routes and ports from “potential aggressors” amid China’s plans to increase its influence in the Pacific region.The so-called smart sea mines…MarineLink NewsRead More

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